Altitude: 5250 Duration: 26 days Grade: 2 B Group: 2-15 Country: Nepal

Upper Dolpo-Jomsome-Juphal

Upper Dolpo till today stands as one of the most isolated and remote regions of this Himalayan country. But, the magnificence of this region is second to none. Snuggled between the Tibetan plateau and Dhaulagiri Himalaya Chain, it is your Shangri-La. Upper Dolpo area was open to foreigners only from 1989. Dolpo is a culturally Tib...
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Upper Dolpo till today stands as one of the most isolated and remote regions of this Himalayan country. But, the magnificence of this region is second to none. Snuggled between the Tibetan plateau and Dhaulagiri Himalaya Chain, it is your Shangri-La. Upper Dolpo area was open to foreigners only from 1989. Dolpo is a culturally Tibetan region in western Nepal Valleys (south), and the Phoksundo and Mugu Karnali Valleys (west and northwest). To the southwest lies Dhaulagiri, the sixth highest mountain in the world (8172 meters). This massif and its outliers create a rainshadow that determines much of Dolpo's climate. Though no meteorological records have been kept in Dolpo, its valleys probably receive less than five hundred millimeters of precipitation yearly.

The Upper Dolpo-Jomsom to Juphal and back to kathmandu trek will take you to the most isolated and unscathed parts of the Midwest region of Nepal. Dolpo, the land past Himalayans summons the beautiful and up-close view of regal mounts, oldest monasteries and frosty turquoise lakes  The Upper Dolpo Trekking Jomsom to Juphal passes by some of the world’s lordliest mounts as Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and Kanjiroba, and an ancient medieval kingdom of Lower Dolpo.Dolpo is home to some of the highest villages on earth; almost ninety percent of the region lies above 3,500 meters. The population of Dolpo is less than five thousand people, making it one of the least densely populated areas of Nepal. Its inhabitants wrest survival from this inhospitable landscape by synergizing agriculture, animal husbandry, and trade. Dolpo's agro-pastoral livelihood is characterized by migrations between permanent villages and pastures at higher altitudes. More than ninety percent of the population lives under the poverty line, literacy is low, and life expectancy is a mere fifty years. Administratively, the valleys of Dolpo are located in the northern reaches of Nepal's largest district, Dolpa. This region is also referred to as 'Upper' Dolpo by His Majesty's Government of Nepal, a designation which has restricted foreigners from traveling extensively in this area. Originally, the Dolpo region was located in the kingdom of Zhangzhung. Located in western Tibet, this kingdom was strongly connected with the Bön religion. The first Tibetan dynasty (Yarlung) conquered much of the territory that encompasses the Tibetan-speaking world, including Zhangzhung, between the sixth and eighth centuries. Populations migrated from Zhangzhung to areas east and south, including Dolpo; the name for this region first appears in written sources at this time. The dominion of the western Tibetan dynasties over Dolpo was eclipsed during the fourteenth century by the principality of Lo (in present-day Mustang District, Nepal). Thereafter, Dolpo villagers paid tributes to the Kingdom of Lo in the form of grains, labor, and religious service. One manner in which Dolpo's villagers paid their annual taxes was by painting Thangka and carving Mani walls. Tenzin Norbu counts among his ancestor’s painters who traveled to Manthang, the capital of Lo, to participate in the creation of the renowned paintings at Thubchen and Jampa monasteries.

The trek passes north of the major mountain chain, through thrilling mountain passes as high as 5,250m. Niwar-La as well several other over 5000m.  towards the Tibetan Plateau. We will come across monasteries, both Buddhist and Pre-Buddhist (Shamanistic) laden with colorful prayer flags. Shey Gompa is anthropologically and religiously very important monastery of the region.

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  • arch to May(Spring) and September to October (Autumn)
  • Kathmandu-Pokhara-Jomsom-Juphal-Nepalgunj-Kathmandu
  • Full board Camping
  • Domestic Flight, Ground Transportation by Private car or van as per group size.
  • Helicopter : AS 350 B3E (H125)
  • Capacity : 1 pilot + 6 Passengers
  • Max takeoff weight : 2250 kg
  • Power Plant : 1 Turbomeca Arriel 2D
  • Service Sling : 23000 Ft
  • Rate of Climb : 1818 fpm
  • Cruising Speed : 137 knots
  • Call Sign: 9N – AKP & 9N AKG
  • Day 1 : Arrive at Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM) Kathmandu
  • Day 2 : Trip preparation and Sightseeing. Meal includes:Breakfast/Dinner
  • Day 3 : Drive to Pokhara 900m. 7-8 hrs. Ad transfer to Hotel. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 4 : Fly to Jomsom 20-25 minutes. and trek to Dhangarjung 3,175m. 2-3 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 5 : Hike to Sangda 3,710m. 4-5 hrs. overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 6 : Trek to Sangda Phedi (Tuchela, Niwar La Phedi) 4,190m. 5-6 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 7 : Hike to Yak Kharka 4,780m. 3-4 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 8 : Trek to Chharka Village 4,110m. 6-7 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 9 : Trek to Chanla Phedi 4,530m. 6-7 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 10 : Trek to Do Tarap 4,040m. 4-5 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 11 : Exploration of Dho Tarap. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 12 : Trek to Pangjang Khola Dovan 4,480m. 5-6 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 13 : Trek to Tinjegaon 4,150m. 4-5 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 14 : Trek to Shimengaon 3,870m. 5-6 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 15 : Trek to Koma 4,060m. 5-6 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 16 : Trek to Saldang Village 3,770m. 5-6 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 17 : Trek to Shey Gompa 4,500m. 4-5 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 18 : Exploration of Shey Gompa. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 19 : Trek to Lar tsa 4,120m. 6-7 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 20 : Trek to Ringmu/Phoksundo Lake 3,730m. 5-6 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 21 : Trek to Sanduwa 3,038m. 4-5 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 22 : Trek to Chhepka 2,680m. 4-5 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 23 : Trek to Dunai 2,050m. 4-5 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 24 : Trek to Juphal 2,345m. 4-5 hrs. Overnight in a camp. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 25 : Fly from Nepalgunj to Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel. Meal includes:Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Day 26 : Departure day from Kathmandu (12,64m)
Note: The above itinerary can be tailor made as per client's request, we can make the itinerary shorter/Longer by cutting or adding days, People who have longer time can add the White Water Rafting, Jungle safari tour in Chitwan National park, Paragliding and Zeep Flyer in Pokhara and other extra activities so feel free to write us on for further details.How to book a trip ?

Full Board Service Includes

  •   Airport Pickup/Drop
  •   Domestic Airfare Kathmandu-Juphal-Nepalgunj Round trip.
  •   All Ground Transportation
  •   All Required restricted Entry permits, ACAP Permit & National park Fees
  •   Guide and Porter wages and their insurance
  •   3 star or same category hotel on BB {Bed & Breakfast} plan in Kathmandu according itinerary
  •   Accomodation in Nepalgunj with full board of meals.
  •   Comfortable high quality VE-25 North face tents for members during camping
  •   Entire necessary High quality Kitchen utilities with Dining, Toilitte, Kitchen tent chair/table.
  •   Company Guarantee for Emergency evacuation (clients are required to have their own traveling Insurance which copied hand over to company)
  •   All food, kitchen & camping staff and equipment transfers by bus to Nepalgunj and by air to Simikot.
  •   Flight fare from Pokhara-Jomsom and Juphal-Nepalgunja-Kathmandu including airport departure taxes.
  •   Required necessary land transportation
  •   Full board of meals while on trek
  •   Thuraya SAT Phone (Emergency use only)
  •   Radio Walki Talki
  •   Guide and porters will be insured as required by Nepal government regulation
  •   Local supporting staffs wages including their insurance.
Cost and payment details

The cost is depending on group size, affected due to the requirement of number of guides and porters, requisite of Hotel in Kathmandu, method of land/air transport. The itinerary is changeable and modifiable as per needs and time frame of trekkers. Cost will be re calculated if the itinerary is changed or modified. Additional activities may be added as per trekkers request with appropriate additional cost. For Total Tour cost EMAIL US, we will send you within 24 hours as your requirements.

Why we dont't include cost in our website?

NOTE: To provide you service in reasonable cost and attempt to address your each requirement Xtreme Climbers  desired to provide you with some information which directly affects the cost and also helps us breakdown the cost. That is why we have decided to clarify our customers that due to the following reasons mentioned below we have not included the cost of each package in the company website.

  1. Climbing season: The climbing permit royalty cost for mountain will be different during Spring and Autumn season. Normally most of the climbers climbs Himalayas in the Spring season. Climbing permit during Autumn will be 50% less than the spring season. 

  2. The cost of the trip depends on Number of persons joining in group for High expedition or Mountain  Climbing including number of climbers, non-climber, base camp supporters, medical doctors, The number of climbing Sherpa guides, high altitude porters, kitchen crew, mode of transport you prefer and many other factors can affect the cost of the trip. Alpine climbing guide as well as the category of the hotel accommodation and the facilities that you aspire in the mountains affect the cost.

  3. We operate the High Expeditions, Peak Climbing in full arrangement package and basic arrangement service (full board or base camp service) which directly affects the expedition cost.

  4. Request numbers of oxygen, mask regulators and the brands the clients require

  5. The itinerary may be changed after reaching an understanding between the agency and the client. Other activities could be added or reduced as per the client's request before processing the trip. Price for reduced activities could be deducted and additional activities could be added in mutual understanding.

  6. Either you want to operate this expedition as international group joining basics of Xtreme Climbers or individual (private arrangement) expedition.

  7. Type of high camp food that clients require. Any specialized food that has to be ordered from foreign countries will be costlier compared to the one available here.

  8.  Either any of the climbers intend to attempt any world records? If so, do they require special services or equipment?

Due to the reasons mentioned above we would like to discuss with our client directly before offering the cost. So please feel free to drop your queries in or login to for any information about your selected package.

Full Board Service Excludes

  •   Travel insurance
  •   International airfare
  •   Nepal entry visa: you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. (a multiple-entry tourist visa good for 30 days can be obtained by paying US $ 40 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, multiple-entry tourist visas for 90 days can be obtained by paying US $ 100. Please bring 2 copies of passport-size photos.)
  •   Cold drinks, bottled or boiled water, snacks and other personal expenses
  •   Personal trekking equipment
  •   Tips and gratuities for trekking staff and drivers
Cost and payment details

The cost is depending on group size, affected due to the requirement of number of guides and porters, requisite of Hotel in Kathmandu, method of land/air transport. The itinerary is changeable and modifiable as per needs and time frame of trekkers. Cost will be re calculated if the itinerary is changed or modified. Additional activities may be added as per trekkers request with appropriate additional cost. For Total Tour cost EMAIL US, we will send you within 24 hours as your requirements.

Altitude Sickness

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is common at high altitudes sickness. In general may occur when people ascend too quickly normally in altitudes of over 3000 m. The symptoms of altitude sickness are due to lower air pressure at high altitudes, which results in lower oxygen levels as you breathe the air in. The air is under less pressure and this makes it harder for your body to get the oxygen out of the air and into the circulation. It's this extra strain on the body that causes altitude sickness.

Symptoms tend to be worse at night and include headache, dizziness, and lethargy, loss of appetite, nausea, breathlessness and irritability. Difficulty sleeping is another common symptom.

The major symptoms of altitude sickness
Initial symptoms
  1. Periods of sleeplessness
  2. Runny nose.
  3. Extra tiredness
  4. Occasional loss of appetite
  5. Feeling laziness
  6. Wish to vomiting
  7. Periodic breathing

Above are normal symptoms which may occur into your body that you should not be worried. Every trekker will experience some or all of these, no matter how slowly they ascend.

Advance symptoms
  1. Headache and vomiting
  2. Dizziness
  3. Racing heartbeat
  4. Exhaustion
  5. Nausea
  6. Diarrhoea
  7. Loss of apatite
  8. Weakness
  9. Hard to breath
  10. Extra tired
  11. Dry Raspy cough
  12. Sleeplessness

When above symptoms will occur into your body, these symptoms usually resolve by spending one or two extra nights at the same altitude or using medicine. Even you are resting at the same altitude or using medicine, if symptoms are becoming worse, then it is necessary to descend.

Serious Symptoms
  1. Worsening headache and vomiting
  2. Swelling of hands and face
  3. Reduced urine output
  4. Walking with a staggering gait
  5. Confusion
  6. Increased tiredness
  7. Breathing irregularity
  8. Visual hallucinations (seeing things that are not real)
  9. Changes in the ability to think
  10. Changes in normal behavior

If above serious symptoms will occur into your body, these extremely dangerous symptoms are called High Altitude Cerebral Edema (or HACE). They can lead to unconsciousness and death within 12 hours. Increasing shortness of breath, cough and tiredness may also be signs of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema or HAPE. HAPE can also be rapidly fatal if ignored.

To prevent acute mountain sickness:
  1. If possible, don't fly or drive to high altitude. Start below 3,000 metres (10,000 feet) and walk up.
  2. If you do fly or drive, do not overexert yourself or move higher for the first 24 hours.
  3. If you go above 3,000 metres (10,000 feet), only increase your altitude by 350 to 500 metres (1,000 feet) per day
  4. Climb high and sleep low! You can climb more than 300 to 500 metres in a day as long as you come back down and sleep at a lower altitude.
  5. If you begin to show symptoms of moderate altitude sickness, don't go higher until symptoms decrease.
  6. Drink plenty of water, tea or juice etc (at least three to 4 liters per day). Urine output should be copious and clear to pale yellow.
  7. Eat high-carbohydrate foods (rice, pasta, cereal) for more energy.
  8. Take it easy and don't overexert yourself when you first get up to altitude. But, light activity during the day is better than sleeping because respiration decreases during sleep, exacerbating the symptoms.
  9. Avoid alcohol as it may increase the risk of dehydration, and don't smoke.
  10. Don't push yourself when climbing up to passes, rather take plenty of breaks.
  11. Avoid taking sleeping pills.
  12. Avoid active movements and try to relax in the first one or two days upon arrival at the high altitude areas.
  13. Bring adequate medicine.
  14. If nothing else works, return to the areas with the lower elevation.
  15. Allow sufficient time for acclimatization (After 3000 meters).
  16. Don’t make rapid Ascent. Don’t go too far too fast.
  17. Do not trek/travel alone, take guide/porter.
  18. Follow the advice from your guide, hotel, local, guide book.
  19. Descent if mild symptoms rapidly getting worse.
  20. Never leave or descent sick person along.
  21. Avoid getting cold.
  22. Take an easy and comfortable trekking route even if its longer

Following is a list of items you should consider including in your medical kit - consult your pharmacist for brands available in your country.

  1. Aspirin or paracetamol - for pain or fever
  2. Antihistamine - for allergies, eg hay fever; to ease the itch from insect bites or stings; and to prevent motion sickness.
  3. Antibiotics consider including these if you're traveling well off the beaten track' see your doctor, as they must be prescribed, and carry the prescription with you.
  4. Loperamides or Diphenoxylate 'blockers' for diarrhea' Prochlorperazine or metaclopramide for nausea and vomiting.
  5. Rehydration mixture to prevent dehydration, eg due to severe diarrhea; particularly important when traveling with children.
  6. Insect repellent, sunscreen, lip balm and eye drops.
  7. Calamine lotion, sting relief spray or aloe vera-to ease irritation from sunburn and insect bites or stings.
  8. Antifungal cream or powder - for fungal skin infections and thrush.
  9. Antiseptic, such as povidone-iodine for cuts and grazes.
  10. Bandages, band-aids or plasters and other would dressings.
  11. Scissors, tweezers and a thermometer (note that mercury thermometers are prohibited by airlines)
  12. Cold and Flu tablets, throat lozenges and nasal decongestant.
  13. Multivitamines - consider for long trips, when dietary vitamin intake may be inadequate.

Note: We have guides trained at the High Altitude Medical Training Center. Our staff is very experienced in dealing with the effects of higher altitudes. As they are natives of Nepal, they easily acclimatize and therefore can care for their clients. They are equipped with necessary medical supplies and will assist you with basic first aid treatment. We design our tours to ensure clients are ready for high altitude, and arrange alternative itineraries for those at risk


Travel insurance is compulsory for all Clients undertaking any tour. It should provide adequate protection for the full duration of the tour to cover personal injury, medical expenses, repatriation expenses, helicopter evacuation, loss of luggage, etc.

For your kind information, we would like to give a list of the insurance companies, please go through the links below:

For Canadians and Americans
For Australians and New Zealanders
For British
For Europe and Slovenia
For South-Africa
For Indians
Trekking Boot 1 Pair
Thick Socks 4 Pairs
Light Socks 3 Pairs
Camp Shoes 1 Pair
Sandals 1 Pair
Other Equipments
Sleeping Bag(4seasons) 1
Down Jacket 1
Daypack 1
Water Bottle 1
Sun Cream  
Flashlight With Spare Bulbs, Batteries, Lip Salve, Gaiters.  
Down Or Fiber Filled Waterproof Jacket And Trousers 1
Fleece Jacket Or Pullover 1
Warm Cotton Trousers 2 Pairs
Shirts And T-Shirts 4 Pieces
Lightweight Cotton Long Pants 3 Pairs
Long Under Wear 2 Pieces
Short Under Wear 4 Pieces
Sun Hat Or Scarf 1
Woolen Hat 1
Sunglasses 1
Lightweight Gloves 1
Rain Coat 1
Heavyweight Gloves Or Mittens With A Waterproof 1
Insect Repellent
Toilet Articles
Note Book & Pen
Toilet Roll
Laundry Soap
Pocket Knife
Sewing Kit
Cards And Personal Medical Kit
  • Is there any communication while we are on trekking?

  • What if I arrive early or depart late? Can you arrange extra night lodging? Is there a single room option?

  • Could you give us some information about the guide?

  • Is someone going to meet me at the airport? Are transfers included?

  • What is the currency of Nepal?

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